Theory – Why Bitches Be Crazy

First and foremost I need to recognize the great men who brought this psychological phenomenon to light. Without the likes of Notorious B.I.G. Tupac Shakur, Eminem and the rest of the Hip-Hop community everyday men, like myself, would still believe these psychotic female outbursts were dependent on our behavior. Thanks to the scientific observations by the men previously mentioned we have more than enough evidence to conclude that yes, every now and then, for no apparent reason, “Bitches Be Crazy.” But why? Why do great men across this world of ours fall victim to such demonic episodes? Is it society’s fault? Should we blame the media and their role in portraying a “perfect” woman; thus creating a generation of woman living with an unbearable amount of pressure? Or is it natures fault? Is there some sort of crazy DNA strand only active in dual X chromosomes? As a 25 year old human being who observes the world with no particular bias I’m here to conclude that if bitches weren’t crazy the human being would’ve been extinct years ago.

In today’s day and age it’s easy to survive. Survival 100,000 years ago wasn’t so easy. Today all you need to survive is money and decent luck. Most people work for money. Some people have it handed to them by the government, parents, random people etc. 100,000 years ago money didn’t exist and the only way you survived was if superior genes ran through your family tree. An important gene needed for survival was the “Crazy Bitch” gene. If any sort of animal made an attempt to cross a mother and her baby. The mother human being had to turn the “Crazy Bitch” switch on and protect her child. Without this “Crazy Bitch” switch we would be hanging out with the dinosaurs somewhere thinking, “Why Us?” But what about the male human? Shouldn’t he be there with the mother protecting the children? No, the male human is somewhere thinking of how he’s going to get laid next. Sex, water and food are the only things men care about.

We’ve done a fantastic job limiting the number of ways we can die but fear seems to be trending higher than ever. Why? Because fear is how we survived all of these years. If we didn’t fear we didn’t live. Today we make shit up to be afraid of: Diet Coke? Salt? Exercising to much? Fear is an itch that human beings will never be able to scratch. The negative aura fear breeds will always remain inside of us BUT fear will always eat at woman much stronger than men. Why? Because as I previously stated the foundation of a male’s thought process begins and ends with getting laid. A woman’s thought process begins and ends with fear. As males we constantly act on our sexual thought process. On the contrary female’s will make up fears and throw negative energy at the problem until it goes away. Which is why missing brunch with your girlfriend and her mom is a life or death situation. “Bitches Be Crazy.”

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